Media Articles
The exceptionalism of American higher education. (2018). Project Syndicate (May 17).
The five-paragraph fetish. Aeon (February 15). (2018).
Rags to riches: The unlikely ascendancy of American higher education. (2017). Aeon (October 11).
Nobel prizes are great, but college football is why American universities dominate the globe. Op-ed in Quartz (October 7). (2017).
Why GSE? Why now? (2013). Stanford Educator (spring), 4-5.
Targeting Teachers(2011). Dissent (summer), 9-14.
Resisting Educational Standards (2000). Phi Delta Kappan, 82:1 (September), pp. 28-33.
The chronic failure of curriculum reform. (1999). Perspective article, Lessons of a Century series, Education Week 16:36 (May 19), pp. 42-44. Reprinted in Staff of Education Week (2000), Lessons of a century: A nation’s schools come of age (pp. 148-151). Bethesda, MD: Editorial Projects in Education.
Too easy a target: The trouble with ed schools and the implications for the university. (1999). Academe, 85:1 (January-February), 34-39.
Educational consumerism: Bad for schools. (1998). Op-ed column, Detroit News, February 26, p. 15A.
Are students “consumers”? The rise of public education as a private good. (1997). Commentary article in Education Week 17:3 (September 17), pp. 48, 38.
An unlovely legacy: The disabling impact of the market on American teacher education.(1994). Phi Delta Kappan, 75:8 (April), 591-595.
The American high school has failed its missions. (1989). MSU Alumni Bulletin, 7:1 (Fall), 14-17; reprinted in MASB Journal (Michigan Association of School Boards), 50 (November), 10-12.
Schools: Some caveats on promoting. (1983). Op-ed, Philadelphia Inquirer (May 17).